Sensitive scalp may not be life-threatening. However, persistent scalp itchy and tingling sensation do possibly impair one’s activities in daily basis. Choosing suitable shampoo may not instantly solve the issue—as it may be rooted in a more complicated health disorder but it is one of the best way to ease the caused pain and discomfort. […]
Allergic To Hair Dye – What Can I Use???
I am allergic to hair dye, what can I use to improve the situation? This is the burning question that troubles many men and women across the world, and luckily, we have the answer. Allergies to hair dye are nothing new or odd, but they are a bit rare since only about 5 percent of […]
Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye – How To Treat It?
Lately, we’ve been seeing more and more instances of people having allergic reactions to hair dye and the burning question is – how to treat it? First of all, we have to be aware of the risks that chemicals in hair dyes can bring with them. The allergic reactions happen mostly due to a chemical […]
Can You Use Nair On Your Bikini Area?
Summer is in full swing and your cute swimsuit is begging you to put it on and go have fun in the sun. But, in order to do that, you must first do some lady-scaping to rock that bathing suit as the queen of the summer you are! So what do you do? Shaving gives […]
How To Treat Itchy Scalp After Hair Dye?
So you’ve just got that beautiful hair color you’ve wanted for a long time. It’s vibrant, modern, and makes you look like a superstar, but unfortunately, your head just won’t stop itching! How to treat an itchy scalp after hair dye? You’re in the right place, as today we will go through the proven methods […]
Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye – How Long Does It Last?
Coloring your hair is a fun and easy way to change or freshen your looks or to cover the gray hairs. As fun and harmless as it sounds, sometimes it can be everything but that. Of course, we are talking about hair dye allergies. The question that arises after something like this happens is, why […]
How long do hair removal creams last?
Hair-removal creams or depilatory creams are rather new in the beauty world. Many women use it to get rid of unwanted hair as an alternative to waxing and razors. They contain different alkaline chemicals responsible for weakening the hair and eventually getting rid of it. Unfortunately, these chemicals give the crèmes rather unpleasant smell which […]
Omega 3 benefits for skin and hair
What is Omega 3? This type of fat is just the thing that the doctor ordered for your health. Valuable acids of this type of fat such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) as well as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) are what will spike multiple health advancements. Bear in mind that ALA omega-3 fatty […]
What Does Strawberry Benefits for Your Hair?
Strawberry, a small red velvety fruit that has sweet sour taste, is really close to many people’s heart. It is delicious fruits which rich with many benefits. Strawberry is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidant, fiber and low in calorie. People from around the world eat strawberries. Majority people believe that this small red fruit is […]
What Can Coffee Do to Have A Healthy Hair?
Black, please! Or White, please! We heard that almost every morning in a restaurant or café. People in majority love to drink coffee, either white or black while having their breakfast. Coffee is indeed good for health but it actually can do more than just perk people up in the morning. Research showed that coffee […]