For most women, daily self-massage at home works well in preventing cellulite from forming. If you decide to get a professional masseur’s assistance, you can even choose one of various massage types they offer. Deep tissue massage and lymphatic drainage massage are said to be the most effective massaging techniques to reduce the appearance of existing cellulite, as well as to prevent new cellulite from forming in the future. In contrast, if you decide to do self-massage at home, the cellulite-preventing massages can be done either manually or using a dry, soft-bristled body brush. Either technique you choose, messages give an improvement on cellulite-affected skin areas.
Essential oils for cellulite treatments
While massages alone work well both in reducing cellulite appearance and preventing new cellulite formation, various essential oils used in massages will give even stronger effects. Regarding cellulite reduction and prevention, applying essential oils during the circular massages give some benefits to the skin, such as:
- They boost collagen production, which is helpful to reduce skin looseness, which is important in reducing the lumpy appearance on the skin affected by cellulite.
- Some of essential oils work well in reducing cellulite appearance by minimize body’s retention to fluid and thus, inhibit fluid build ups in the tissues, causing changed fat tissues structure.
- Some other essential oils reduce cellulite by improving skin tone, so that the existing dented area can be hardly recognized.
How to use essential oils for cellulite treatment
There are no permanent treatments for cellulite. All treatment effects are temporary—although one effect can last longer than some others—and may require some retreatment. The effect of essential oils on cellulite is nonetheless similar. With proper application, though, this can be an affordable yet effective home remedy for stubborn cellulite.
There are some kinds of essential oils that are beneficial for cellulite treatments; cinnamon leaf oil is known to help stimulate blood flow and thus, strengthens connective tissues, hazelnut oil softens the skin effectively, juniper oil increases circulation while helping the tissues to regenerate faster, citrus oil reduces water retention to prevent lymph build-up, strengthens capillaries, and tightens skin, and jojoba oil keeps your sebaceous glands under control.
To use essential oils for cellulite treatment, there are a couple of methods you can try:
- Applying essential oils while giving cellulite-affected area circular massages. This will break the fats beneath the skin and promote faster essential oil absorbance. To do this, choose one of the essential oil that may increase the circulation and strengthens your tissues to effectively combat cellulite formation. Use this preferred oil to give yourself daily massages followed by dry brushing with the essential oils.
- Blending essential oil can increase its function in combating cellulite. Choose the essential oils that are beneficial for cellulite treatment, such as grapefruit, cypress, and juniper oils and dilute few drops of those oils in carrier essential oils, such as jojoba, avocado, or apricot oils. Continue using this oil with soft-bristled body brush using the steps:
- Apply few drops of the blended oil onto the area affected by cellulite.
- Brush your skin using circular motions directed toward the heart, giving enough pressure within each motion.
- Spot-brushing the area most affected by cellulite, or the area you want to protect from cellulite formation.
- Afterwards, take a cold shower and apply moisturizer once you finish showering.
- You can also apply an essential oil with moisturizing function, such as the hazelnut oil after bath.
- Repeat the ritual twice a week, making sure you are not over-brushing, as this may result in skin irritation.
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