Few people are able to get through the entire life without experiencing any problems about clogged pores, while the majority of people suffer from clogged pores all over the facial skin, including the forehead. As one of the most common location for clogged pores, forehead is also often “decorated” by bumpiness in the form of acnes and pimples, which are the result of infected clogged pores. Therefore, knowing the root of the problem is essential to seek for suitable treatments for clogged pores on forehead.
Causes of clogged pores seen from its effects on skin
When you are suffering from clogged pores on the forehead, you can refer to what you can see around the clogged pores to find the main possible causes. Mostly, clogged pores on the forehead develop into acne and pimples, and thus, the main causes of these clogged pores can be determined by overlooking the characteristics of these acne and pimples.
- If clogged pores on the forehead is accompanied by shiny skin which appears to be oilier than the other skin parts on the face, and you can see an uneven skin tone on the forehead, it is possible that fungus or yeast is the cause of these clogged pores on your forehead.
- If you have a lot of clogged pores which develop into blackheads all over the face with very painful surfaces when touched, the cause is possibly a congested liver.
- If you have got blind or cyst pimples—the pimples which sit under the skin which occur even though you have a very dry skin, you might have estrogen-induced clogged pores, which is caused by menopause or adult hormonal problems.
- If you notice a lot of whiteheads and blackheads which are mild but frequently occur, the clogged pores might be caused by cosmetics that are too harsh on your skin.
- If the pimples are mild and severe in different parts of the face, which is accompanied by very oily skin, you might undergo puberty-induced clogged pores.
Cause of clogged pores on forehead
Clogged pores which develop to pimples around the face might be triggered by variety of risk factors. However, clogged pores on your forehead can possibly have more specific triggers, according to Chinese medicine. The occurrence of clogged pores on your forehead might give you an illustration about some possible causes, such as:
Stress and clogged pores are closely related. This risk factor is one of the most common factor inducing forehead clogged pores. When someone is stressed, their body release hormone which make the sebaceous glands more active. As a result, sebum or skin oil is produced in a higher level. This excessive amount of sebum, therefore, may easily clog pores, especially on the forehead, although it may also clog pores all over the face.
In fact, there are numerous kinds of external environmental irritants which are able to cause clogged pores in the forehead. Some substances used for killing bacteria, like the one used for sterilizing yoga towels, are usually the culprit of forehead clogged pores. Your cosmetics and dirty bed sheet, however, also have a contribution in causing clogged pores on forehead.
Unhealthy diet
Clogged pores on your forehead is also caused by what you consume. Eating a lot of processed foods, junk foods, and foods which are loaded with saturated fats will give you a possibility to have clogged pores on forehead. Drinking too little amount of water also contributes to clogging pores on the forehead. To prevent this, avoid the diet containing high level of salt and seasoning which may trigger allergies inside the body, which may occur as whiteheads or blackheads on the forehead.
Forehead is the area where allergic reactions show up first. Hence, when you are eating foods which you are allergic to, your forehead skin pores will likely to be clogged. Liver disturbance also contributes to this skin disorder. Hence, lack of sleep may also trigger blocked forehead pores. It is important to do 30-minute exercises every day in order to minimize the effect of liver problem which occur as skin disorder all over your forehead.
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