You might have heard about facial acne quite often, and are likely acknowledged about what causes its occurrence. However, since sebaceous glands exist all over the body, this acne and pimple problems do not merely occur in your facial skin. For many people, the back also needs to be concerned when considering acne and pimple problems. A lot of people are suffering from pimple problems on their back, causing not only discomfort as it tends to itch and give burning sensation, but also deteriorated self-confidence.
Causes of back acne and pimples
Similar to acne and pimples occurring on your facial skin, back acne is also triggered by irritation on the skin pores. Some people also have got too-active sebaceous glands on the back, triggering overproduction of sebum on the area. Clogged skin pores on the back is also known as one of the leading causes of back acne and pimples, which although not easily visible, can be frustrating.
What causes clogged pores on back?
Clogged pores on back is as common as clogged pores on skin all over the body. The fact that tiny pores which keep the skin moist are located all over the skin, there is always a possibility for these pores to get clogged. Skin pores on back is not an exception. There are some habits which heighten your risk of having clogged pores on back, such as:
Wearing tight clothes
Clogged pores on back is often caused by accumulated sweat on the skin surface. Tight clothes you are wearing in daily basis contribute to the accumulation of sweat and oil which causes blockage to the tiny skin pores. Wearing non-breathable garments also contribute to similar problem that triggers clogged skin pores. If this habit is done continuously, you might have a lot of clogged pores which may develop to back acne and pimples problem.
Sprinkling talcum powder
Many people find talcum powder, especially the mentholated ones, is an effective remedy on minimizing itching on back. Hence, there are some people who tend to sprinkle some talcum powder after taking a bath. Despite the soothing effect it provides, tiny substances in talcum powder can possibly clog the skin pores and be accumulated around it. It also accumulates with sweat, causing the pores to get clogged even worse.
Skipping back rubs during shower
As a place where sweat, dirt, and excessed oil accumulate, the back should get more attention. Hence, it is important to get it scrubbed when showering. Use a soft-bristle back scrubber or more natural loofahs to scrub the back and prevent the pores from getting clogged.
Wearing dirty undergarments
If wearing bras and other kinds of undergarments, make sure you are wearing the fresh ones, as these undergarments absorb the sweat and can be infested by bacteria, which may irritate the skin and lead to clogged pores.
Aside from the habits, there are some other risk factors which cause clogged pores on back, which include:
People with family history of back acne will likely to undergo the problem. People with larger pores also find it easier to get back acne, as these pores tend to be clogged easily. People with thick, oily skin also experience back acne more often than those with thinner, non-oily skin.
Active sebaceous glands
Most commonly, clogged pores on back is triggered by imbalanced actions of sebaceous glands. Some people have more-active sebaceous glands that excrete more oil and sebum. This makes it is easier for the pores to get clogged.
Bacterial and fungal infection
Continuous clogged pores is not an uncommon problem. In some people, these clogged pores even re-occur persistently despite the treatments they have been undergone. This kind of clogged pores is usually caused by bacterial or fungal infection which infest the area of the skin. When excessed sebum accumulates and the area is infested by bacteria, the problem gets worse. it even develops into acne and pimples which may be hard to eliminate completely.
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