Acne is one of the most annoying things that can appear on our skin. This is a situation when our pores are clogged with dirt and bacteria which in the end cause inflammation. Hormones, unhealthy diet and also excessed sebum can also be one of the culprits to cause acne on your skin.
Nobody likes acne. That is why many face care brand has released various type of acne clearing product. However, when it comes to choosing products for your face, always try to opt for the most natural ones. If you can make your own home – made face mask for acne remedy that is always the best.
Blueberries can be one of some natural ingredients that you can use to fight acne on your skin. They are considerably easy to get and also they taste sweet with the right amount of tang when eaten which can be the plus point to include them on your anti – acne diet
When we already know that blueberries is rich in vitamin and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E and potassium, manganese, calcium, copper and iron, but none of them really affect your skin as much as the anti-oxidant in blueberries. Together with pomegranate, blueberries rank as one of the highest level of anti – oxidant fruits.
This powerful substance is very good in fighting inflammation. As mentioned above that acne is a condition when our skin pores is clogged and become inflamed, hence it is good to always add blueberries on your snack food list to fight that inflammation.
Anti-oxidant also good in fighting the free radical that come in contact with our skin that eventually can also cause inflammation on our skin. So anti – oxidant is a key to nutritional approach to relieve acne.
Blueberries compound is also good in keeping the glucose and insulin level in our blood stable. This is due to the high level of fiber that blueberries contain. When insulin level in our blood increases it also increase the risk of acne on our skin. That is why a low insulin diet is a good thing for you to do when you want to reduce acne.
The other thing that you will appreciate from having blueberries other than to avoid acne on your skin is that blueberries will also smoothen your skin. The vitamin E in blueberries has been proven can perform the ability to fade blemish on your skin as well as fight the scar or any mark that can be disturbing.
Blueberries’ ability to balance oil level on our skin can also become one of the powerful factors to prevent your skin from recurring acne. However, if you live in a dry area, blueberries can also make your skin slightly too dry, so moisturizer can also come in handy after caring your skin with blueberries.
As mentioned in the opening of this article that it is always best if you can make your own blueberries face mask or other blueberries product that can help you reduce your acne. This is due to certain face care that are sold out there sometimes (not all) contains chemicals that can also damage your skin.
You can also add some other ingredients that is good for your skin in your blueberries face mask such as honey, oats, olive oil, plain yoghurt, sour cream, aloe vera, and lemon juice. Each and every ingredient that you add will give an extra powerful touch for your blueberry face mask.
Plain yoghurt will help you in clearing off your damaged skin. Oats can shrink the pores that you have which can also help you to reduce the risk of acne as well as make the texture of your skin even. Olive oil can be the perfect make up remover for you as it carries cleanser substance as well as moisturizer. Honey will help blueberries to clear acnes on your skin straight away and also add the glowing effect on your skin. Regular sour cream, not the one low in fat, can also add some help for blueberries in removing acne on your skin and also help to make your skin that has wrinkles and freckles smoother. Aloe vera can give you soothing sensation and also it evens out the color of our skin. Last but not least, lemon juice can dry out the occurring acne as well as good in getting rid of the black heads and protect our skin against the sun.
You can also add baking soda and salt if you would like to make face scrub on your blueberry mixture. This can also help to enhance the anti – inflammation substance of the blueberries. Because baking soda and salt is very good to fight also bacteria and germs that might exist on your skin.
All you need to have is about 1 handful of clean blueberries and whichever other ingredients you would like to use. Make sure that all of your ingredients are clean as you don’t want to add more germs on your skin which can result in more acne break out. Mix the blueberries with other ingredients such as plain yoghurt and honey or olive, stir them well until smooth and apply it on your skin until about a ¼ inch layer before leaving it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse the mask well with running water and pat your face dry with clean towel. Do it regularly for a maximum result.
Taking care of your diet will also bring a good result for your acne removal. However, the result of this treatment can vary from one person to another depending on the person’s skin type. Hence, should your acne advances and create a break out it is better to seek advice from a professional dermatologist.
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