Skin peel after sunburn is definitely a normal process to elapse during healing period. Since sunburns may affect any areas of the skin all over your body, skin peel occurring afterwards can be located on some visible areas. This definitely will not be an aesthetically pleasing thing and with most people, also triggers severe itching and burning sensation. As a result, you might be tempted to get rid of these coming-off skin quickly by peeling it.
Is peeling skin after sunburn bad?
Sunburns are widely related to peel skin, burning sensation, and itching. While these effects are going to vanish within days after the event—especially if you are experiencing the first-degree burn, people mostly have the urge of getting rid of the whitish flakes from sunburn by peeling it during healing. Although this is definitely a normal urge, peeling these flaking skin is not advised. Therefore, when healing from sunburn, it is better for you to try finding some alternative ways other than peeling the coming-off skin forcefully by hands.
Why peeling skin after sunburn is not recommended
Without your attempt to peel it, flakes occurring after sunburn are going to come off completely during the healing process. These whitish flakes, which can be located anywhere on your body and facial skin are indeed aesthetically uninteresting. However, trying to get rid of these flakes by peeling it is not considered as the best method. There are couple of bad effects which can be caused if you forcefully peel the skin affected by sunburn. The most common ones are infection and scarring.
- Infection happens when you peel the skin off forcefully. There is always a risk of accidentally peel the skin, which is not ready to some off yet. If you peel this area, you might tear healthy skin cells off, which results in bleeding. If the bleeding area is infested by bacteria residing on your skin, it may become infected.
- Peeling the skin after sunburn may also result in scarring that can be permanent and visible. There are certain people who are susceptible to scarring, such as those with darker complexion or a family history of scarring. If you accidentally peel off the skin that is not really to come off, it will bleed because the tissues are damaged. Eventually, this will result in scarring when the area is fully healed.
Peeling skin after sunburn rightly
To get rid of coming-off skin after sunburn, it is important not to do it by peeling it forcefully by hands, as this carries a couple of bad effects to the affected areas. However, if you think you really need to peel the skin off, some methods and ways can be done in order to minimize these negative effects. In the first place, it is advised that you pay attention to the area with whitish flakes that already come off. Some methods that are beneficial in getting rid of flakes after burns are:
Lukewarm bath
Taking a lukewarm bath is beneficial in getting rid flakes after sunburn. Warm water is going to loosen these flakes and thus, make it easier to remove without damaging the surrounding skin area, which is not ready to come off yet.
Gentle exfoliating
After a lukewarm bath, you can use a gentle sponge to exfoliate the area with a lot of flakes. It is important not to scrub this area, however. Instead, lightly rub the flakes to let it come off without being forced.
Moisturizing the affected area is also helpful in getting rid of the dead, damaged skin after sunburn. You can apply aloe vera gel or unscented cream and lotion onto the flaked skin to elevate moisture level topically.
Keeping away from the sun
The ultraviolet can give bad effects to the flaked skin area, as it will elevate its dryness. Exposure to sunlight also increase the risk of scarring on the affected area. Thus, it is important to apply an SPF-30 sunscreen onto the area with peeled skin after sunburn. You also need to wear breathable garments, which protect your skin from the sunlight but do not trap any heat that may aggravate the flaking area.
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