Many people have got severe acne problems, with which various treatments may not give any improvements. Many others are concerned about how to get rid of resulted scars they have got from many kinds of acne problem. As an aggressive form of acne treatment, Accutane has been widely known to be helpful in treating both the acne and acne scar problems. This form of vitamin A has been used as a resort when other kinds of acne-related treatments do not give any satisfactory effects. However, before deciding to join any acne-controlling programs employing Accutane, it is best to know how this substance works on your skin and whether it can possibly give your skin sufficient improvement.
How Accutane affects the skin
Accutane is oral pills that should be prescribed by a dermatologist to treat nodular acne problems that do not respond well to other kinds of treatments and medications. To be effective, these pills should be taken consecutively for four to five months under a dermatologist supervision. Accutane can give improvement to your skin with acne in some ways, such as:
- By affecting the skin’s sebaceous glands. It decreases the size of the glands and thus, affects the production of oil (sebum) on the skin. Controlled production of sebum decreases the risk of having excessive clogged pores. Clogged pores is the main cause of white heads, blackheads, and acne problems that may result in ugly scars. When this is put under control, the occurrence of these skin bumps can be minimized and thus, result in less scaring.
- By normalizing the shedding of dead skin. Scars are pigmented dead skin cells, which are visible on the surface of the facial skin. When your skin has got limited shedding, the dead skin are not removed from the surface of the skin, causing noticeable acne scars. Accutane works by promoting normalized keratinization—the process of dead skin shedding. This prescribed medication replaces the dead skin resulted from severe acne problems with new healthy skin cells. When the dead skin sheds properly, it improves the appearance of the skin and even out its complexion.
Does it help getting rid of acne scars?
As one of the most effective acne treatment, Accutane is known also as an effective acne scar remover. There are a couple of ways by which Accutane helps get rid of noticeable acne scars and blemishes:
- Accutane helps reduce acne scars by reducing the risk of acne breakouts. The pills do this by controlling the work of sebaceous glands beneath the skin. When clogged pores are minimized, since the glands’ sebum production is put under control, acne breakouts can be minimized. Mild acne problems, such as the one with puberty and the one within women’s menstrual cycle may still occur, but these acne problems have got minimal risk of scarring.
- Accutane helps reducing acne scars and blemished on the skin by promoting sufficient skin shedding from the inside. This has a big role in decreasing the amount of dead skin cells appearing on the surface of the skin. Eventually, acne scars and blemishes—which are all dead skin cells, can be less noticeable.
Possible side effects of Accutane
Despite its amazing effects on the skin with acne scars, Accutane should be taken cautiously, since this aggressive medication holds some side effects, from the mild one to the more harmful ones. Women who are still in the age of possible child-bearing—they have not got a menopause yet, should pay attention to the side effects Accutane may cause. Possible side effects are elaborated as follows:
- Since Accutane works by inhibiting the production of sebum—the skin natural oil, within the sebaceous glands, prolonged used may result in over-dry skin. As these moisture and natural oil are important in keeping the skin hydrated, the drying effect of Accutane may cause skin flaking and roughness. As the skin is limitedly hydrated, it is more susceptible to wrinkles and lines.
- As one of the isotretinoin medications, Accutane increases the sensitivity to the sun and ultraviolet radiation. Thus, it increases the susceptibility of the skin to sunburns. Not only may the skin, Accutane also cause dry, irritated eyes that may lead to sensitivity to contact lenses. It also affects the hydration of the lips that may result in cracked, flaking lips.
- Accutane is known to cause severe birth defects. Hence, this medication is strictly not recommended for those who are pregnant of may be pregnant. One dose of Accutane can lead to ear, eye, and other organ defect in growing baby. Thus, it is important that women in child-bearing age to take birth-control pills while in Accutane treatment, after a conversation with an experienced dermatologist. Before taking the pills, these women should have themselves tested for pregnancy.
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