Coconut oil has become a staple in the kitchens and medicine cabinets all over the world due to its numerous benefits to the skin and the overall health of humans. It is incredibly delicious and a welcome guest in many pots and pans, it does wonders to the hair, and also has many immune-boosting properties. To add to all of this, it is amazing for bruises as well!
When buying your trusty coconut oil, make sure that you opt for virgin coconut oil rather than the fractionated one. It is quite easy to find and fairly inexpensive, but the benefits are numerous as it is completely natural with no useful molecules removed or chemicals added.
But how to use it on bruises? Keep on reading to find out!
Rub and Go
One of the simplest ways to use coconut oil for bruises is to just rub some of it directly onto your bruise and leave it there. Gently massage the oil into your skin starting from the middle of the bruise and working your way out.
Feel free to rub coconut oil all over your skin as it will feel smoother and softer than ever.
Coconut Oil and Parsley
Parsley is well known as pain reducing and anti-inflammatory herb. To use it for bruises, crush some fresh parsley leaves and put them in some coconut oil. Mix these two together and apply directly to your bruise. You can cover the bruise with clean gauze or bandage and let the mixture sit for a while.
Coconut Oil and Cayenne Pepper
To make this amazing remedy, you will need one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and five teaspoons of coconut oil. Mix the oil and cayenne pepper well and apply the mixture to the bruise. Repeat this several times a day until your bruise is gone.
Coconut Oil and Onion
Finely mince some onion and mix it with salt. Then, add the onion to some melted coconut oil and stir. Apply the mixture to your bruise and let it sit for about an hour. The onion is a natural pain reliever, and mixing it with coconut oil will heal your bruise in no time.
Coconut Oil and Comfrey
Comfrey is an anti-inflammatory herm native to Asia and Europe, and it contains a substance known as allantoin which promotes the growth of new skin cells. It is popular for its use in wound healing, and it also does amazingly against bruises.
To make a comfrey remedy, crush or mince some comfrey leaves and add them to a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply this mixture to the bruise and massage gently. Leave on for about an hour and rinse. Reapply several times a day until the bruise goes away.
Coconut Oil and Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps your body thicken the blood vessels and the bruises heal faster. Crush some vitamin C tablets and mix them with some coconut oil. Apply this mixture to your bruise and reapply as necessary.
Massage with Coconut Oil
You can gently massage the bruised area and the area around your bruise. Using coconut oil helps your fingers glide across your skin while making it soft at the same time. Do this several times a day to promote your body’s lymphatic process. Do not apply to much pressure as that will cause you pain, but make sure you are massaging the area, not just touching it. If the pain is too much, wait a couple of days and try again.
Coconut Oil and Turmeric
Make a paste out of coconut oil and turmeric powder. Apply this concoction directly onto your bruise and let it sit. Rinse when needed and reapply. Note that turmeric may stain your skin, but do not worry about this as it will go away easily with a few showers.
Coconut Oil and Ginger
Use a garlic crusher or finely chop some fresh ginger and stir it into the coconut oil. Apply this mixture to your bruise and let it sit. Enjoy the pleasant scent and the bruise-fighting action!
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