Apple cider vinegar has a very versatile use. It is used as a teeth whitener, mouthwash contributes to weight loss and boosts our immune system. Acetic acid from the vinegar slows down the speed at which sugar enters our blood after meals. The calcium it contains keeps our body and bones strong while ash keeps your body in an alkaline state. It surely doesn’t have very pleasant taste and smell, but remember that apple cider vinegar also contains pectin that will lower the bad cholesterol and keep you away from strokes and heart attacks.
There are also other sorts of vinegar such as white and brown vinegar. These, however, will not provide you with any therapeutic merits. These are usually deprived of all the valuable nutrients during the processing. Therefore, do not be misguided by the name ‘’vinegar’’ unless you see a nice cob-web like structure in your bottle.
It is possible to use apple cider vinegar both orally and topically. Topical use of apple cider vinegar is a go-to for many people’s daily skin care routine. It can reduce age spots, blemishes, wrinkles acne and rashes. However, vinegar is especially good at battling skin yeast. Tinea versicolor is one of these diseases triggered by the overgrowth of fungus which naturally lives on our skin. In the following text, we’ll introduce you to the ways you can use apple cider vinegar in order to feed the yeast off.
Apple cider vinegar and How to use it
If you decide to use apple cider vinegar only, just take a cotton ball, dip it into some apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected areas. After rinsing your face off, pat it dry and then repeat the same routine every day until you see some results. Using exclusively apple cider vinegar doesn’t stop here. You can apply it in the form of a spray. Just pour water and vinegar in a spraying bottle in the 2:1 ratio and then spritz it on the affected parts. Follow this up by rinsing and drying. If you prefer to ‘’consume’’ this in the form of steam, then you can boil water and put 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Bring your face above the water and put a towel over your head and stay like that for 5 minutes. Splash some cold water on your face after this and dry it. There is also a solution for those who like to tackle problems like these from the inside: just put 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, stir it well and drink it on daily basis. The taste is something that many can’t stand so, if you’re one of them, just try adding some honey.
Paste that works both as an exfoliator and bacteria-extinguisher is always the right way to go about tinea versicolor. Two tablespoons of vinegar and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda mixed together should be applied to the affected areas. Then leave the mask for 10-20 minutes until it becomes a bit tight and then wash it off and dry your face with a towel. Moisturizing is obligatory after this treatment since both ingredients, especially baking soda, could dry your skin. Compared to the previous treatment based on apple cider vinegar only, this one requires being carried out once a week.
Honey doesn’t have to be only the sweetener we use along with apple cider vinegar in order to mask the taste. Clean your pores by washing it with lukewarm water and massage the face with gentle cleanser in circular motions. Follow this up by exfoliating with baking soda (or another exfoliator that you may have). Then take 2 tablespoons of honey and rub it in your face until it becomes really sticky. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes and then use a cotton ball to apply apple cider vinegar solution to the affected area. The solution simply consists of water and vinegar in the 1:1 ratio. Use an oil free moisturizer to moisten your skin and repeat the routine daily.
Onion juice has great antifungal properties that could complement vinegar. All you need is some fresh onion juice from the fridge and apple cider vinegar in equal quantities that you will put on the yeast affected areas. Wash this off your face with lukewarm water and follow it up with cold water.
Aloe vera has long been given nothing but praise when it comes to skin care. If mixed with unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and water, you will get first results in no time. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball to the skin and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes. Instead of aloe vera gel, you can use jojoba or coconut oil or witch hazel.
Speaking of oils, olive oil is also a smart choice to strengthen the effect of apple cider vinegar. Dilute some apple cider vinegar in water (1:1 ratio) and apply it to the skin. Wait for 30 minutes, wash it off and take a few drops of olive oil to apply it to the areas.
Sea salt is known as great exfoliator which is very helpful if you’re suffering from tinea versicolor. It will free you from the excess of yeast and kill off the fungi. Combine sea salt and apple cider vinegar together, apply it to the skin, leave it overnight and rinse it off in the morning.
Lemon is full of vitamin C and acid that naturally destroys yeast. You’ll need a ½ teaspoon of vinegar and the same amount of juice. Apply this to the affected parts and let it ‘’sleep’’ during the night. Rinse in in the morning and moisturize your skin.
Warnings about apple cider vinegar
No matter how high apple cider vinegar is on the ‘’super food bar’’ based on its nutritional value, there are certain things we have to be conscious of if we don’t want it to have absolutely opposite effect on our skin. As it is full of citric acid it is likely to cause rashes and irritation on our skin which is why we’re suggested you to dilute it in water before application. As for additional repercussions of using apple cider vinegar, it is likely to cause acne as a result of your body’s fight with toxins. So if you’re overly reactive to vinegar, ask a dermatologist for a more feasible treatment. Should you decide to turn to oral use of apple cider vinegar in order to get rid of the yeast, bear in mind that it could cause your body to be low in potassium which will reflect through your feeling weakness, nausea, cramps, frequent urination, low blood pressure, changes in heart rhythm and paralysis. It is also likely to lower your sugar level, make you feel diarrhea and add density to your bones.
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