You might be frightened to see blood-filler blisters occurring under formed callus on your hands or feet. These blisters occur as a result of trauma to the blood vessels under the skin, located in the dermis. Physically, blood blisters under callus are fluid-filled, reddish r purplish-colored, and tend to be painful. The occurrence of blood blisters is mostly an indication that the skin has received excessive pressure that ruptures capillaries, causing bleeding under the skin. These blisters, thus are visible as a combination between frictions and excessive localized pressure, and this is the reason why the blisters are visible under callus.
Are blisters under callus harmful?
Seeing the mechanism causing blood blisters to occur beneath calluses may make you wonder whether these blisters should be a health concern. In fact, blood blisters tend to be harmless and do not necessarily cause further complications, unless the discomfort and cringe you might undergo because of them. However, if you are diabetic, you need to immediately see the doctor to get the blisters and calluses observed.
How to treat blood blisters under callus
Although most blood blisters are harmless for healthy people and will likely to heal on its own, there are some methods and remedies you can take in order to prevent infection and minimize discomfort and pain.
Never pop blood blisters
No matter how tempting it can be to pop blood blisters under calluses, never be follow the urge to pop them, as it may increase the risk of infection and delay healing. This also means to avoid tearing blood blisters using a needle and other instrument to drain the fluid inside.
Reduce swelling using ice cubes
Ice cubes is an effective remedy to reduce swelling caused by blood blisters under calluses. They will constrict blood vessels and thus, reduce internal bleeding and inflammation. However, avoid applying ice cubes directly on the skin as it may cause ice burn. Instead, wrap the cubes with cloth and use it to cold compress the blisters.
Soften the callused skin with cucumber
Sliced cucumbers will soften the callused skin, help reduce inflammation, and give a soothing effect to blood blistered skin. Simply cut one cucumber into sliced and put it onto the blood blisters to promote faster healing.
Soften the callused skin and prevent infection
Blood blister will heal faster if no infection is present. To avoid infection, thus, soak these blood blisters in warm saline solution. This will help soften the callused skin and kill infesting bacteria that may cause infection. Repeat the treatment several times a day until the blisters drain by itself.
Cover burst blood blister with sterilized gauze
If the blisters burst, drain the fluid and apply antibiotic ointment onto the skin. Keep it covered to provide moist environment that is best for regenerating new skin cells and promote faster and proper healing. You can also apply petroleum jelly onto the affected skin to give a protective layer and inhibit bacterial infection.
What not to do to blood blisters
There are some things that are better not to be done to any blood blisters, as they may increase the risk of infection and delayed healing process. Avoid these things if you have blood blisters under callus:
- Shaving the blisters with razors, as this may definitely increase the risk of infection. Although the blisters might turn black, it does not mean it dries out. Do not be tempted to shave it with razors or burst it with a needle.
- Wearing tight-shoes or too-big boots that will aggravate blistered areas. Make sure the shoes are well-fitted.
- Leaving burst blisters opened, as scabs might form and delay healing.
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