Calluses are often associated with personal hygiene, although the main cause of this hardened skin area is in fact, the friction and pressure undergone by the affected skin area. Despite its appearance, calluses are not that hard to eliminate from the hands or feet, restoring the skin’s smoothness. There are various methods and remedies to be used in removing calluses from toes. If you have got calluses on the hands, the remedies are also effective to get rid those hardened skin.
Treatments for toe calluses
Soften hardened calluses
The first step of removing calluses from toes is softening hardened skin around the toes. Compared to the heel and the bottom of the foot, the toe skin is more delicate. Hence, soaking the affected toes in a basin of warm water will be effective in soften the callus, making it easier to remove later. To soak and soften calloused toes, there are some natural ingredients to use, such as vinegar, Epsom salt, baking soda, and mouthwash.
Moisturizing affected toes
Calluses occurring on the bottom of the foot or the heel can be removed gradually by performing scrubbing or exfoliating. Quite differently, calluses on toes require moisturizer rather than exfoliating or scrubbing. Apply moisturizing cream, petroleum jelly, or any natural remedies to keep the skin hydrated generously and cover the toes with socks. Calluses will eventually go away if the toes are well-hydrated.
Avoid pointy shoes
Calluses on toes are more common in women than men. This is triggered by the fact that women tend to prefer pointy shoes than men. When wearing pointy shoes, the friction and pressure are weighed mostly by the toes, causing hardened area wherein these pressure and friction are located. Changing the footwear will be wise and effective when combined with other natural remedies for removing toe calluses.
Avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces
Calluses may develop as body’s reaction to protect the skin by getting hardened. When you are walking barefoot on hard surfaces, the skin around the toes hardens in order to protect its delicate skin from injury. To gradually remove formed calluses, avoid walking barefoot especially on dirty or hard surfaces.
Natural remedies for calluses on toes
Pumice stones
Pumice stones are natural lava stone beneficial for softening hardened skin as a result of callus development. You can scrub the toes using pumice stones regularly to make the calluses go away eventually.
Castor oil
Castor oil is an effective natural remedy for calluses on toes. Apply some drops of this oil onto the calluses on toes and cover it with a gauze or cotton ball. You can cover it with adhesive tape so that it won’t move. Wear socks while sleeping to prevent the oil from leaking onto the bed sheet.
Aspirin can also be used to get rid of calluses on toes. It helps loosen the hard skin and thus, make it easier to remove calluses. To use the remedy, crush some aspirin and mix it equally with apple cider vinegar and some water to form paste. Afterwards, apply it onto the callus on toes. Cover it with bandage for 15 minutes. After that, rub the loosened callus off with pumice stone gently.
Baking soda
This is a natural and cheap exfoliator that has been widely used for getting rid of calluses on toes. To do this, add baking soda to warm water in a shallow bucket or basin and soak the affected toes for 15 minutes. Pat the toes dry after soaking. You can repeat the treatment three times a week to help loosen calluses on toes and gradually remove it completely. You can even add mouthwash into the mixture to create a great exfoliator for hardened toe skin.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is loaded with vitamin C as a natural antioxidant that promotes skin cell growth. You can squeeze on lemon and apply its juice onto the callus on your toes to help remove it. Cover the treated toes with socks overnight and rinse it in the morning. It is important to pat the toes dry, as toes left dry will be even drier and thus, trigger re-occurrence of calluses and cracks.
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