Your skin appearance reflects your entire body health. Hence, what is going inside the body can be concluded through some symptoms undergone by the skin. This includes the acne. If you are not suffering from hormonal or occasional acne, you might be able to draw a conclusion about what your health status by observing the breakout more closely. This method will be more helpful if you experience similar breakouts in the same area of your face.
What does acne on my forehead mean?
Chinese traditional medicine practitioners and reflexologists have long been believing that certain zones on your face are the representations of your internal areas of the body, so that what happens with these regions can give you a clue about what happens in the internal areas of the body. However, this “science” known as face mapping is a general guideline and may not be applicable for everyone. The best thing to do is using this knowledge as a guideline to have the associated internal organ or body area checked and thus. This way, you will be able to define any possible causes for the persistent breakouts and thus, can improve your health condition and prevent further breakouts in the future.
- Breakout on the forehead mostly implies an underlying problem with digestive systems. Pimples or cystic acne that occur on this area persistently shows the possibility that your digestive system is undergoing a hard time breaking down certain foods. Since human’s digestive system consists of some organs, this breakout might signify a problem with one of these organs or more. However, forehead breakout is commonly closely related to some problems in upper digestive organs, such as the liver, small intestines, or the pancreas.
- In addition to digestive system, forehead acne is also related to sleeping time irregularities or lack of sleep. It is also triggered by stress, excessive worries, and bad tempers. It is thus, related to hormone imbalance that may occur with women’s monthly period, pregnancy, and stress.
- Toxin buildups may also contribute to the occurrence of acne on the forehead. These toxins can be accumulated inside or outside the body. Inside the body, you have those toxins from greasy and sugary foods, which are accumulated in the liver and pancreas. Outside the body, on the skin itself, you might accumulate some toxins from harsh hair products and some dirt from the bangs. Wearing dirty hats and other headwear also contribute to your persistent forehead acne.
Minimizing acne on forehead
There are some things you can do to minimize the occurrence of acne forehead, such as:
- Limiting sugary and greasy foods, which are not only accumulating toxins inside the body, but also hard to digest and break down. More sugary and greasy foods will worsen any abnormalities that have been present in the upper digestive tract.
- Maintain regular sleeping schedule. If you cannot fall asleep easily, take your time to relax on bed, so that your liver may rest and be ready for the next day.
- Drink plenty of water to help the body disposing toxin buildups.
- Practice proper and better hygiene, such as washing the hair regularly, clip the bangs when you are sweating a lot, and wash your headwear regularly.
- Avoid using any harsh products for the hair and skin around the forehead. Always use mild products to prevent irritation that may lead to skin breakouts.
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